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House of Hydro provides the following treatments:
Rehabilitation, Fitness & Conditioning, Weight Loss and Puppy Confidence.


Your dog’s initial consultation will take approximately 1h 15mins and cost a one off payment of £85.


House of Hydro will discuss your dog’s history, fitness and any medical conditions or veterinary treatments they are receiving. It is important for you and your dog to take a look around and become familiar with this new environment. A photograph and/or video of your dog both walking on land and if suitable in the water will be taken at this time. Within this session your dog may also be placed on a Pulse electronic magnetic field therapy (PEMF) mat.


(Please advise us if you have a cardiac pacemaker, cancer or may be pregnant.)


After the consultation has finished and the hydrotherapist is happy there are no contraindications, your dog will have their first experience of the pool, underwater treadmill or K-laser therapy . Please ensure you wear appropriate clothing and footwear.


Your future sessions will be unique to your dog and an individual program will be developed and tailored, however the main focus will be getting your dog used to the water and enjoying their time in the pool or underwater treadmill.

Veterinary consent form being requested



  • Before your session please ensure that your dog has not eaten anything in the last 3 hours and that they have been to the toilet. 


  • Please bring with you your own dog towel.​


  • Please do not feed your dog for at least an hour after treatment


A veterinary consent form is required for your dog to receive hydrotherapy or K-laser treatment. No dog will be treated without this form as it ensures the hydrotherapist has a complete picture of your dog's condition, behaviour, clinical history and any cautions or contraindications for hydrotherapy or K-laser. Please be aware that your dog may not enter the pool or underwater treadmill in this Initial session, so please do not be disheartened if they don’t get in the pool the first time.



All dogs are given a warm shower before entering the pool and underwater treadmill. This not only helps the dogs muscles to warm up, but also ensures the quality of the water remains high.


Following a session your dog will again be showered off, removing the chlorinated water. A shampoo will be applied if requested. 


Dogs are dried with an “EasiDri” grooming towel, which absorbs the water quickly from their coats. We can then put on their drying robe if they have one to maintain heat. 

Dog in the showers before going to the pool at House of Hydro
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